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Before Starting First Generation Entrepreneur

Let’s have look at Barter System, How it got Influenced and Impacted for regeneration of First Entrepreneur in the Business

“” A Barter system is an old method of exchange. This system has been used for centuries and long before money was invented. People exchanged services and goods for other services and goods in return. The value of bartering items can be negotiated with the other party”

Advantages of Barter System

  • There are many reasons why a barter System economy or being able to barter is helpful.
  • There may be circumstances where cash is not available, but goods or services are.
  • Bartering enables people to get what they need with what they already have.

Dis-Advantages of Barter System

  • The difficulty with the barter system is its inefficiency.
  • The second potential problem comes with attempting to guarantee fair exchanges.
  • A monetary economy helps in making the exchange of goods and services more efficiently manageable.

Who is first-generation entrepreneur in India?

Research Says and History says

“” JRD Tata was an aviator and was India’s first licensed pilot. He set up India’s first commercial airline company known as Tata Airlines in 1932 which was rechristened as Air India in 1946 and is now India’s national airline”””

First-generation Entrepreneur

  • First generation entrepreneurs are those who have started their business through their innovative ideas and skillsets. Typically, they do not have any entrepreneurial background and Business Ideas.
  • First-generation entrepreneurs are people who are first in their family Tree to start their own business through Network. They lack also a business background. There is no one in their family to guide them.
  • They are innovative, possess quick decision-making abilities, have leadership traits, and carry an intuitive capacity to take appropriate risks.
  • First Generation Entrepreneurs is a synonym for New Entrepreneurs.
  • They are actually the wealth creators and fresh leaders.
  • The only deviation between them is that a new entrepreneur can invest a small amount with the risk of losing it while an established one is ‘Risk-Safe Business
  • Frist generation entrepreneus is a synomyon for new entrepreneurs .
  • They are actually wealth creators and fresh leaders. The only deviation between them is that a new entrepreneur can invest a small amount with the risk of losing it while an established one is ‘Risk-Safe’.

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